Access X-Men
Is what you are convinced is wrong with you, actually your strongness? Have you always felt like you simply were not from here? I hear ya!
The Access X-Men body of work has given me the true freedom to be as different as I am in the world.
When I added the amazing X-men tools to my life I developed the confidence to be exactly who i came here to be. I use these tools every single day to have more of that.
What I have come to know, with my own experience and facilitating this body of work is that if we as the unique creatures we are do not choose to have our talents, abilities and capacities only we have, they simply will not exist here.
I am honored to facilitate this body of work. When X-Men choose to show up and BE who they are in the world, my life lights up and so does the world!
Free Events
Are you an X-Men? Does the Access X-Men body of work even relate to you? These events are an easy, risk free way to find out! I dare you to!
Being Alice
Have you always been the curious one who was always very aware of the nonsensical world we live it? Did you fall down the rabbit hole a long time ago? This series is a deep dive into common disabilities that are anything but that!
Deep Dive Zoom Series
Take a deep dive into that X-Men topic you've always desired to have more awareness with! If you knew who you were, would you take advantage of it? Lets find out!
Access X-Men: Disabilities or Abilities
Welcome to the class that changed my life! What if everything you knew was wrong with you was simply the doorway into the greatness you actually are? Join me for this epic class!