Access Consciousness®
Access Consciousness® is a wild and wacky bag of tools and processes that can change any area of limitation in your life.
More over for me Access is something that assisted me out of major anxiety and depression. The kind that included panic attacks and days in bed. I had tried everything and nothing gave me lasting relief until I found Access Consciousness®.
Fast forward 9 years and much more ease, peace and living than I could have imagined was possible for me during those dark days. I am grateful each day that I chose to become an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and can share with others the very things that have such a positive impact on my life and everyone around me.
Access Stress Relief
Do you think it's possible? Do you feel like you are literally stuck with what seems to be the norm of stress in your life? What if I told you there are simple techniques you can use to have powerful and lasting change out of stress and into peace and ease?
Access Bars®
Relax while you have 32 points on your head gently held and experience the sensation of all the junk melting away. All those thoughts, feelings and emotions you think you'll never get away from... gone... POOF!
Access Body Classes®
Do you believe the body can heal itself? Have you wondered if bodies are much more capable of more than we have even been told. That was me for years, then I found Access Body classes, I no longer wonder. I know bodies are magic!
The Foundation®
Is there a way to break the foundation of everything you have been told is real and possible for you. Are there simply tools and processes that anyone can use to change any area of their life that is not working? YES! you are invited!